Wednesday, 29 January 2020

The Role of Technology in Special Education


To examine and explore the role of technology in special education and education in general.

Assistive Technology is any technology that helps a student with special learning needs maintain or improve his/her academic performance, by access to the curriculum and to demonstrate knowledge and understanding. This technology is often an accommodation consideration including hardware, software and other specific applications. The greater goal of independence is achieved as accommodations build on individual strengths, often increase motivation, and accomplish improved achievement. (Excerpt is taken from ETFO ABQ Spec. Ed)

The Overview of Assistive Technology 
Assistive Technology (AT) can come in the form of a device such as a smartphone, tablet or laptop. Or in the form of an app or software. Either form, assistive technology is designed to give people the opportunity to learn and ease the experience. An insert taken from, they say "These tools can help people work around their challenges, while also playing to their strengths. This is especially important for kids who struggle with learning—whether in reading, writing, math, or another subject. AT can help these kids thrive in school and in life. And that can help grow their confidence and independence." 

Focus on Special Equipment Amount (SEA)- 5 Critical Ideas

What is it and who qualifies?
-"SEA funding can be used to assist boards with the costs of equipment essential to support students with special needs where the need for specific equipment is recommended by a qualified professional and this equipment is necessary to provide students with accommodations to access the Ontario curriculum and/or a board-determined alternative program." From Waterloo District School Board

Taken from the Ministry of Education SEA report, "The SEA Per Pupil Amount component will be calculated using the following formula: Base Amount ($10,000) + ($36.101 x ADE)."
How is this formula justified and where are the numbers taken from?

- Student engagement is increased as learning becomes harmonious and streamlined for the students.

- "Students do not have to be identified as exceptional pupils through the Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) process for boards to apply for SEA funding but their need for equipment must be recommended by a qualified professional." Excerpt from the Ministry of Education SEA

-"The types of equipment that are eligible for SEA funding can include any items that are recommended by a qualified professional that is not available through the board’s regular day school supply and/or computer purchasing budget." Excerpt from the Ministry of Education SEA

-The equipment is constantly upgraded as the means of technology increase along with the needs of the student.

-Some equipment does not qualify.

Costs associated with SEA also include: • the $800 per pupil deductible (for claims); • insurance costs; and • staff costs for managing and purchasing equipment, set-up and repairs.

Overall Thoughts
Boards have a responsibility to meet the special education needs of their students. SEA funding assists with the equipment and training costs associated with meeting these needs.

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